In doma
Press reviews
December 2010
"Wow. This Italian vocalist/keyboard player is far from your average singer/songwriter... It has always been one of Waits' strengths, the masterful gathering of seemingly unrelated genres. I'll say the same for Debora Petrina, as in doma brilliantly melds many styles."
July 2009
"Meticulous and piercing research throughout an entire career for Debora Petrina, in doma is the synthesis and the official debut in the ‘pop form’ for an artist who for years has impudently covered the cultured music territories, the transit between theater and dance, the playful and combinatory potential of the song with a hand in one shoe and the head over the heels."
June 2009
"In doma demonstrates her eclectism and also an unusual, exuberant musical talent which delicately digs solid roots, in a fertile ground formed by her classical background (Debora is an excellent pianist). In doma is a work in which, with a Zappa-like attitude, different genres and moods, from jazz to rock, punk, and beyond, live together."
May 2009
"She has arrived to break up the dreams of unaware "song architects", like those of the avant-garde visionairies: Petrina knits twelve tracks that risk to bring home the whole bank... who has known Debora Petrina as a remarkable contemporary pianist will find her also as an intriguing songwriter who has elusive influences... In doma in this way longs to become the mysterious fetish of this first part of 2009, too much impertinent to be sexy, too sensual to not give us the impression that she's laughing behind the backs of everyone who's thinking to have understood her secret. Between jazz and pop, between toys and voices like Kate Bush, Tori Amos and prog temptations, much cultured weirdness and coolness radical-spritz.
Vote 8 on 10"
June 2009
"Written, sung, played and producted by Petrina, it is and it will remain one of the highest results of the italian pop art. It is, obviously, a deviated but cultured one, frivolous but ethic, measured but shattering. Most of all it makes a pair with an inner universe, already half-exploded in his big bang, and with a receptacle of creative collisions mysteriously commanded."
May 2009
"There is a fascinating feminine figure who wanders among pianos, toy pianos and organettas... Petrina's voice wraps up in curious and unusual melodies, cleverly embroidered with keyboards or Fender Rhodes, and she sings of anonymous text messages, adventures in swimming pool, pink bikinis, asteroids: like an eccentric Tori Amos who meets an amused and energetic Cristina Donà. But the comparisons are not sufficient to describe her music, each piece is declined in a different and unexpected way.
Vote 3 on 4."
June 2009
"Tightrope walking pastiche built on changes of atmospheres and (most of all) on a thousand nuances of a technical and chameleon-like singing which, intoning curious and surrealistic lyrics, passes from Italian to English and to Spanish. Unpredictable, playful and a bit pleased of himself, in doma is, in his (no) genre, a little masterpiece of inspiration, taste and courage."
May 2009
"Her voice is one crystalline traveller of the sounds, that Björk could appreciate. First you can hear certain episodes of Pj Harvey's style. Then some lunges that seem sung "without a net", as a Patti Smith, miraculously refined and feminine, could do. Finally, certain voltages dear to great ladies of the italian songwriting. But each approach is equivalent to cage Petrina and her music into diagrams that in doma grasps, turning again and breaking into small small pieces, returning the listener to a sparkling sound-mixing of communicating styles, hasty changes of direction, masterstrokes and calls to the past through modern sounds.
Vote 3,5 on 4"

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